3 research outputs found

    Influence of CO2-laser pulse parameters on 13.5 nm extreme ultraviolet emission features from irradiated liquid tin target

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    Laser-produced plasma (LPP) induced during irradiation of a liquid tin droplet with diameter of 150 um and 180 um by CO2 laser pulse with various pulse durations and energies is considered. The two-dimensional radiative magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) plasma code is used to simulate the emission and plasma dynamics of multicharged ion tin LPP. Results of simulations for various laser pulse durations and 75-600 mJ pulse energies with Gaussian and experimentally taken temporal profiles are discussed. It is found that if the mass of the target is big enough to provide the plasma flux required (the considered case) a kind of dynamic quasi-stationary plasma flux is formed. In this dynamic quasi-stationary plasma flux, an interlayer of relatively cold tin vapor with mass density of 1-2 g/cm3 is formed between the liquid tin droplet and low density plasma of the critical layer. Expanding of the tin vapor from the droplet provides the plasma flux to the critical layer. In critical layer the plasma is heated up and expands faster. In the simulation results with spherical liquid tin target, the CE into 2Ď€{\pi} is of 4% for 30 ns FWHM and just slightly lower - of 3.67% for 240 ns FWHM for equal laser intensities of 14 GW/cm2. This slight decay of the in-band EUV yield with laser pulse duration is conditioned by an increasing of radiation re-absorption by expanding plasma from the target, as more cold plasma is produced with longer pulse. The calculated direction diagrams of in-band EUV emission permit to optimize a collector configuration

    Recent progress in L-H transition studies at JET: Tritium, Helium, Hydrogen and Deuterium

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    We present an overview of results from a series of L-II transition experiments undertaken at JET since the installation of the ITER-like-wall (JET-ILW), with beryllium wall tiles and a tungsten divertor. Tritium, helium and deuterium plasmas have been investigated. Initial results in tritium show ohmic L-H transitions at low density and the power threshold for the L-H transition (P-LH) is lower in tritium plasmas than in deuterium ones at low densities, while we still lack contrasted data to provide a scaling at high densities. In helium plasmas there is a notable shift of the density at which the power threshold is minimum ((n) over bar (e,min)) to higher values relative to deuterium and hydrogen references. Above (n) over bar (e,min) (He) the L-H power threshold at high densities is similar for D and He plasmas. Transport modelling in slab geometry shows that in helium neoclassical transport competes with interchange-driven transport, unlike in hydrogen isotopes. Measurements of the radial electric field in deuterium plasmas show that E-r shear is not a good indicator of proximity to the L-H transition. Transport analysis of ion heat flux in deuterium plasmas show a non-linearity as density is decreased below (n) over bar (e,min). Lastly, a regression of the JET-ILW deuterium data is compared to the 2008 ITPA scaling law